Beth and Ryan Waller make their 2023 Guelph real estate predictions market. The full article with video, data and charts can be found here: 2023 Guelph real estate predictions
What can we look forward to in Guelph real estate in 2023?
1. Market performance
We estimate a decline of 3-5% on the average price of a house in Guelph. We also estimate that unit sales will increase 1-3% (or more) to the 3 year trend.
2. Condos
Guelph condo sales should increase and we estimate a record market share for 2023 in Guelph for a few reasons.
3. Price range to watch
3. $600- $900K prices will be the ones to watch. Both under $600K and over $1M continue to struggle. In particular $1M+ has realized increased listings with lack of sales south of Kortright Rd.
As always, get in touch with Beth and Ryan, Guelph real estate agents for any questions you have on the Guelph real estate market.