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Beyond Borders Inspire Gala will be held January 20th

Join us for an evening of elegance and inspiration at the River Run Centre on Jan. 20, supporting Guelph General Hospital, Doctors Without Borders and fostering accessible education.

The River Run Centre is set to host the Beyond Borders Inspire Gala on Jan. 20 at 6 p.m., an event that promises an evening filled with local gourmet delights, a 50/50 draw, inspirational speakers, a silent auction, and performances by professional artists.

Elijah Watt, a key member of the Beyond Borders sales team, said the event is meticulously planned over six weeks and seeks to raise over $125,000 for charity.

Tickets for the gala are priced at $75, with promotional discounts available. This event is more than a typical school function; it's a platform to showcase the extraordinary talents and capabilities of young leaders within the community.

60 per cent of the proceeds from the gala are dedicated to supporting the Guelph General Hospital Foundation and Doctors Without Borders. The remaining funds are allocated to make the Beyond Borders program accessible to students from various backgrounds so that money is not a barrier to any student looking to join. 

"Our aim is to eliminate any cost barrier, making it entirely free for future students," Watt explains.


Redefining education through experiential learning

Beyond Borders is a transformative program for Grade 12 students in Guelph and surrounding areas. Annually, it brings together a cohort of 50–60 students, characterized by their positivity, ambition, and talent. The program is rooted in a hands-on, experiential learning setting with a strong focus on business education, diverging from traditional classroom settings.

"It's all about experiences and hands-on learning," says Watt.

Empowering tomorrow's leaders today

The program prepares students for post-secondary education and beyond, offering opportunities to network with professionals across various sectors, including education, business and politics.

It focuses on developing multifaceted leadership skills and social responsibility.

Join the inspiring journey

Beyond Borders extends an invitation to the community to join their Inspire Gala and support the development of future leaders. 

Watt, reflecting on his own transformative experience with the program, shares, "I want others to have the same life-changing experience that I had."

Businesses and individuals interested in collaborating with Beyond Borders are invited to contribute in various ways, including providing tours, workshops, guest speaking sessions, and partnership projects. 

These real-world experiences are considered extremely valuable to the program. Interested parties can contact Mike Parsons at [email protected] for potential sponsorship opportunities.

To maintain the accessibility of the Beyond Borders Program for all students, especially those in financial need, donations are welcomed. These contributions may be used to subsidize program fees or to enrich the program further. 

For more information or to support Beyond Borders, visit their website to contact them directly.

The Inspire Gala on Jan. 20 is not just a fundraiser but a celebration of youth leadership and community involvement.

Purchase your ticket online today. Those wanting to make a smaller donation can do so online.