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Trying to mask booze breath with candy doesn't fool Guelph police

A Breslau man was charged with impaired driving on Wednesday as he left work

A Breslau man faces an impaired driving charge after he was stopped Wednesday shortly after leaving his workplace in Guelph.

Just before 5 p.m. an officer was patrolling near Woodlawn Road West and Elmira Road North when he observed a man driving a pickup while using a cellphone.

The truck was stopped and the officer immediately noted a strong odour of menthol candy, which is sometimes used to mask the odour of alcohol. After asking the driver to spit out the candy the officer could detect an odour of alcohol on his breath.

After failing a roadside breath test the man was arrested and transported to the police station, where further testing confirmed he had more than the legal amount of alcohol in his system.

A 51-year-old Breslau man is charged with impaired driving. His licence was suspended for 90 days and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.