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Vinnie's Table helps fill a weekend food gap for those in need

The initiative was started by volunteers with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and operates outside the Basilica of Our Lady
20210928 Vinnie's Table AD
A banner outside of the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate which reads, 'Vinnie's Table.'

In the spirit of giving, there is a new table outside of the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate that is helping to serve food to those in need in Downtown Guelph.

Vinnie’s Table is a recent initiative started by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul earlier this year. Set up outside of the Basilica of Our Lady, the table provides free sandwiches, fruit and water on weekends from 8 a.m. until supplies last.

With a lack of breakfast programs for those in need during the weekend, Vinnie’s Table is meant to provide another option for a meal.

“We’ve been happy to welcome as many as 15 to 17 persons to the table on average each weekend morning,” said Cathie Evans, a volunteer with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in an email statement.

“Vinnie’s Table, as is the weekly Drop In Centre meals, is entirely sponsored by the generous donations of the parishioners of the Basilica of Our Lady through the Basilica’s Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul.” 

With current COVID protocols, there are only three volunteers who make and organize the food for Vinnie’s Table. Started about eight weeks ago, the table will continue to operate until the weather is no longer permitting.

When asked about her interest in supporting Vinnie’s Table, Evans explains Vincentians dedicate themselves to those in need and work together to bring the most and comfort they can to their neighbours.

“It is a community of action, transforming concern for those in need into concrete service and understanding.”

Vinne’s Table is open to accepting donations. Those interested in making a donation can bring it to the Basilica of Our Lady and indicate that it is for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


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