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U of G receives $1 million from former chancellor

The money aims to create a number of scholarships and travel grants for U of G's master of conservation leadership students
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Martha Billes.

The University of Guelph received  $1 million from former chancellor Martha Billes.

Billes stepped down as U of G chancellor in 2020 because she disagreed with the university’s stance on fossil fuels.

The $1 million is for U of G’s master of conservation leadership (MCL) program which was founded in 2020. The two year program aims to help future conservation leaders to innovate strategies to preserve natural habitats and solve environmental challenges. 

The money aims to create six new entrance scholarships, three second-year scholarships, and four fellowships for incoming PhD and post-doctoral students. It will also provide 10 travel grants to assist students with attending field school residency.

“I’m particularly grateful for Martha’s support for MCL students and her commitment to helping us grow the program. We are excited for this next phase that Martha’s gift makes possible,” said Robin Roth, chair of the department of geography, environment and geomatics which hosts the MCL, in a press release.

The money will also provide opportunities for cross-pollination at the Honey Bee Research Centre on campus, said in the release.

Billes graduated in 1963 from Macdonald Institute, one of U of G’s three founding colleges. She became chancellor in 2017 and stepped down in 2020. She and her son Owen own and control the majority of shares of Canadian Tire Corp.


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