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Traffic lights coming to Highway 6 intersection just north of Guelph

MTO data shows the Highway 6 intersection where people turn off to Cox Creek Winery had 11 combined collisions in 2020 and 2021
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The Ministry of Transportation plans to put in traffic lights at this Highway 6 intersection at Wellington Road 22/Eighth Line.

WELLINGTON COUNTY – Traffic lights are coming in the future to a Highway 6 intersection between Guelph and Fergus notorious for collisions. 

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) confirmed improvements are coming to the Highway 6 intersection at Wellington Road 22 and 8th Line, which is located on the township boundary line between Guelph/Eramosa and Centre Wellington.

It is the turnoff for Cox Creek winery.

Traffic lights will be installed in 2023, said the MTO.

Simi Ikotun, MTO issues management coordinator, said via email that determining the need for improvements at provincial intersections is based on collision history, traffic volumes and highway geometrics.

“The effectiveness of both traffic signals and a roundabout have been evaluated and it has been determined the traffic signal option is the preferred alternative to minimize property impacts and to work more effectively with the existing intersection alignment,” Ikotun said.

Ikotun noted the plan is to retain a design-build firm in summer 2022 with construction to commence in 2023, subject to funding and approvals. 

Data provided by the MTO reported 11 collisions reported in 2020 and 2021 so far at this intersection. No fatalities in these years but six of these resulted in injuries. 

Jean Gaskell, a resident who lives near the intersection, said she has seen a number of collisions there, including this past weekend. 

“I freak out every time my daughter has to go out there,” Gaskell said, because she has seen people making mistakes at the intersection. 

For example she sees people crossing the highway thinking they have the right-of-way over those turning off of Highway 6.

Overall, she said traffic lights are welcome but still questioned how much safer it will make the intersection.

“It’s probably a good idea, I don’t know are people going to be stupid and not even pay attention?” Gaskell asked.


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