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Temporary downtown sidewalk and parking spot closures through June

Isolated shutdowns along Wyndham Street for relocation and upgrading of underground gas lines
Wyndham Street, looking north from Carden Street.

Pedestrians and downtown parking patrons may need to adjust their plans in the next several months, with isolated shutdowns expected along Wyndham Street North to accommodate underground infrastructure work.

The initiative, which runs between Woolwich and Carden streets, got underway this week and is expected to continue until late June, according to a post on the city’s website.

“Construction will be completed in phases, so there will be isolated sidewalk and parking lane closures along Wyndham Street North,” the post states. “All businesses in the construction area remain open and accessible throughout construction.”

The closures are meant to allow Enbridge Gas to relocate and upgrade below ground gas lines. 

“Every effort will be made to avoid damage to properties and to restore them to pre-construction conditions,” the notice continues. “Construction activities and equipment movement may temporarily impact access to private property and delays should be expected.

“Every effort will be made to maintain access to buildings in the construction area during working hours (7 a.m.-7 p.m.).”


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