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TEDxGuelphU celebrates 10 years with day-long list of speakers

Finding solutions through collaboration focus of this year's event
Drew Cumpson will be one of the featured speakers at the TEDxGuelphU event later this month.

The 10th anniversary of the local TEDxGuelphU will focus on assessing current issues and finding solutions through collaboration.

The one-day event takes place Saturday, Jan. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lakeside Hope House and features a series of live speakers and video recorded speakers.

TEDxGuelphU is a localized version of the international TED talks program.

“Our esteemed panel of speakers are Solving for (X) in their local communities and beyond. Whether you are looking for inspiration to solve for your own (x) or looking to experience a day of innovation we’ve got you covered! Join us on January 19, 2019 at Lakeside Hope House for our biggest conference yet!” says the event web site.

Tickets are available here.

This year’s speakers include:

  • Tami Martino: University of Guelph biomedical sciences professor and founding director of the Centre for Cardiovascular Investigations at the U of G.. She heads a research lab uncovering the science behind Circadian Medicine, leading to longer healthier lives.

  • Tyler McGregor: Canadian sledge hockey player.

  • Rocco Cozza: lawyer, entrepreneur, author and founder of the The Cozza Compnay,  where he advises former professional athletes, entertainers, musicians, and entrepreneurs.

  • Jehoshua Sharma: a fifth-year microbiology student and one of the founders of iGEM Guelph, a student lead research group on campus that uses synthetic biology to solve real-world problems.

  • Saba Safdar: U of G professor and cross-cultural psychologist who studies the adaptation of newcomers in their country of settlement and examines multiculturalism and cultural exchange ranging from clothing to values and beliefs.

  • Drew Cumpson: U of G alumni and accessibility advocate also advocates for the LGBTQ community and creating change. Cumpson runs his own consulting firm, H&D Consulting, which aims to “make an accessible world for all” and help create equality for others living with any form of disability.

  • Michelle Oblak: Ontario Veterinary College surgical oncologist and assistant professor and one of the creators of the OVC RaPPID group, a group of clinicians and engineers at the Ontario Veterinary College seeking to provide an evidence-based approach to the use of 3D printing in medicine.


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