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Stephan Dietrich's murder trial finally set to proceed

Almost four years after Mimi 'Seble' Dietrich went missing, her husband's first-degree murder trial has a start date

Almost four years after Mimi ‘Seble’ Dietrich went missing, her husband will finally stand trial for her murder.

A trial date in the first-degree murder trial of Stephan Dietrich is scheduled to begin on May 14.

Although there are still some pre-trial matters to tidy up, five weeks have been set aside for the trial at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, which will be by judge and jury.

Dietrich made a brief appearance in court on Monday. His lawyer, Gregory Leslie of Toronto, has been unable to attend the last number of court dates, including Monday, due to medical leave.

Mimi ‘Seble’ Dietrich went missing in July of 2014. Her car was found parked near downtown Guelph, where she operated a café on the second floor of a Wyndham Street address.

It sparked a massive search and eventually a rally was held by her family and members of the Guelph and Kitchener Ethiopian communities in which she was an active member, urging police to do more to find her.

In June of 2015 her remains were discovered on the property of 55 Vancouver Dr. on the city’s east side, where she lived with her husband and three children.

Stephan Dietrich was arrested and has been in custody since.


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Tony Saxon

About the Author: Tony Saxon

Tony Saxon has had a rich and varied 30 year career as a journalist, an award winning correspondent, columnist, reporter, feature writer and photographer.
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