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Shed the weight of winter and envision a springtime of possibilities

Equinox gathering on Monday will reflect on the coming spring
20170315 Spring Equinox ro
Woven Threads will host Spring Equinox Reflection on Monday, the day of the Equinox.

Spring. It will come. And when it does, the emotional weight of winter will be shed, and a sense of rejuvenation and new beginnings will emerge.

“Winter is a season of slowing down, of hibernation, and of turning inward,” says Christine Lafazanos, a certified life-cycle celebrant who guides others in self-discovery through a deeper connection to the cycles of nature. 

In the natural order of things, winter is supposed to be a slow season. But that's not how it works in our culture, she said. 

Lafazanos will host Spring Equinox Reflection on Monday evening. The venue is the Unitarian Congregation of Guelph at 122 Harris St. It runs from 7-9 p.m.

The cost is on a sliding scale from $5 to $15. Monday is the day of the Equinox, when spring officially begins on the calendar, if not in the air.  

“We don’t have a culture that really allows for people to slow down in that type of way over winter,” Lafazanos added.

While the body may naturally want to take it easy in winter, the culture keeps us racing. The holiday season is frantic. It drains our bank accounts and tends to fill our bodies with too much sugar. On top of it, there is the darkness to contend with.  

“I think this time of year reminds us what creatures of nature we really are,” she said. “In January we got 12 hours of sunlight for the whole month. People feel that, and notice that. And so we want the renewal that comes with spring. The days lengthen, it warms up, and we emerge from our hibernation.”  

Spring Equinox Reflection is an occasion to pause and reflect as the transition from winter to spring begins. Participants will reflect on the past winter and their experience coming through it, sharing what they’re grateful for and what they will gladly leave behind.

Then the focus will shift to the beginning of the new season, with reflection on setting intentions and envisioning where to invest energy as the warm season arrives. All of this exploration happens while participants are gathered together in community. The gathering will also allow for individual reflection, meditation, ritual and discussion.

“We live in scary and trying times, and it can be really easy to feel isolated, to feel alone, to feel discouraged and hopeless,” she added. “I feel that by doing these types of gatherings in community, we support each other. We are able to witness and be witnessed in some of the struggle of winter, or the struggle of this political season. And we can support each other in what we hope to give our attention and energy to in this coming season.”

Great peace and grounding comes from having a deep connection to the nature, Lafazanos said. She hopes participants in the gathering will openly share how they connect to nature, and how they intend to make those connections in the spring.

As a certified life-cycle celebrant, Lafazanos creates handcrafted wedding, funeral and life-cycle ceremonies, along with related workshops and events through her Woven Threads business, Contact her at, or connect on Instagram or Facebook.

The Unitarian Congregation of Guelph is fully accessible and there is free parking. The event is scent-free, and there will be on-site childcare available. Contact Lafazanos in advance if you require childcare.


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