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Pancakes and making maple syrup, a sweet combination (8 photos)

The Urban Sugaring Project is back after a year off

There was a steady stream of people filing into Church of the Apostles on Glasgow Street Saturday morning for some free pancakes, with about 60 of them leaving with buckets to collect their own maple syrup.

The Urban Sugaring Project, back after a year off, held its launch at the church, with people able to rent the equipment needed to collect tree sap at trees around the city.

Now run by the Guelph Tool Library, the five-year-old project will now tap approximately 150 trees.

The kit, which includes a bucket, tree tap, and instructions, was available to rent for $10 along with a $10 deposit.

Kits will also be available at the Tool Library. Check their web site for hours.

Participants will return collected sap to a central location. It is then pooled, boiled down and redistributed back to the participants at the Syrup in the City festival at John McCrae on March 28. 

Participants earn a share of the finished syrup based on how much sap they contributed.


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