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Open house will share updated plans for Elora Mill development

Property developer Pearle Hospitality will host the open house on March 2 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Elora Community Centre.
Image of Elora Mill provided by Pearle Hospitality

An open house on March 2 will provide updated drawings and concepts for plans for the historic Elora Mill property.

Property developer Pearle Hospitality will host the open house on March 2 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Elora Community Centre. Representatives from the company will be on hand to show and discuss new designs.

The project has seen several changes and delays over the past couple of years as plans for the heritage Elora Mill and surrounding property, including across the Grand River from the mill, have included condominiums, a conference centre, banquet hall, wedding chapel, inn and commercial development.

The local heritage society has also been involved with the developer and township to ensure the heritage nature of the building and property is maintained.


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