ELORA – The golden arches might be what greets drivers coming into Elora on Wellington Road 7 as a McDonald’s is planned to be built on the edge of the village.
Documents related to an official plan and zoning bylaw amendment shows an applicant is proposing to develop a new standalone restaurant with a drive-thru, a McDonald’s, and a grocery store at 94 Wellington Rd. 7 and 22 Park Rd. respectively beside and behind Gorge Country Kitchen.
John Xintavelonis, owner of the subject properties and the Gorge Country Kitchen, confirmed in a phone call he made the application. He said the Gorge Country Kitchen would remain open in the plan and building McDonald’s will require demolishing a house beside the restaurant that has been vacant for many years.
Any new businesses from this proposal would be operated separately, Xintavelonis said.
The land behind Gorge Country Kitchen is also vacant but zoned industrial. For this proposal to go forward, the application noted the zone change to highway commercial and lifting of holding provisions is required.
The draft official plan amendment stated “the proposed amendment is appropriate and represents a logical extension of the existing highway commercial land use. The proposed amendment will ultimately create new opportunities for retail uses along the existing commercial corridor and will not create any negative impacts on adjacent lands.”
Consent applications are also in process with the County of Wellington to create an easement between the subject lands for shared access and servicing.
Comments on this application can be submitted to the township’s clerk by March 7 here.
Full application can be viewed here.