MAPLETON — Mapleton council has voted to implement 40km/h speed limit on roads adjacent to schools in the township's jurisdiction.
Alma Public School along with Community Christian School and Maranatha Conservative Mennonite School in Drayton will all see lowered speed limits.
Council made the decision at its Tuesday evening meeting.
This course of action, of reducing the speed limits near schools to 40 km/h, began by Coun. Amanda Reid.
“This was requested through a notice of motion through Coun. Reid to look into reducing the speed in front of the Alma Public School,” said Jamie Morgan, director of public works.
Edward Street in Drayton does not have a school on it. But it does have the 40km/h signs already and before this vote there was no bylaw supporting that speed limit in that spot.
“So we’ve identified all (three) schools within town. And Edward Street in Drayton has always had the 40km/h signs up, but it just was never identified in a bylaw,” Morgan said.
“So we added that in there. So there will be (three) schools in total that we would be reducing the speed limits down to 40km/h,” Morgan said.
The streets involved include: Edward Street in Drayton, High Street in Drayton, Smith Drive in Drayton, John Street in Drayton and Simpson Street East in Alma.
“And instead of coming back several times with requests for this, we just did them all. Which I think was a good idea by staff,” Morgan said.
There are two schools in Mapleton that are on county roads. The speed limit along those schools is already 40km/h, explained Morgan.
Jesse Gault is the Local Journalism Initiative reporter for GuelphToday. LJI is a federally-funded program.