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Kitchen renovations sparks new idea for fundraising sale by Shelldale Family Gateway

'We can use the money to purchase more food and diapers that the community needs'
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Shelldale Family Gateway is looking to sell some of its kitchen items to raise money for their community and youth programs. Besides a stove and freezer, plates, pots, pans and more will be available for purchase.

“We can use the money to purchase more food and diapers that the community needs,” said Lorie Delane, family community development and youth program coordinator at Shelldale Family Gateway.

Delane explains the owners of the centre, Kindle, are planning to renovate the kitchen starting July 1 and have asked Shelldale to sell some of their kitchen items. 

The decision comes after the centre has undergone renovations over the past year.

“I think they’re going to put in maybe a new stove, maybe a new fridge and maybe a new island, but I’m not really sure,” said Delane, who mentions they have a meeting with Kindle next week to discuss the renovation details.

After the renovations are complete, Shelldale and other organizations will be able to book the new kitchen for their programming.

With this kitchen being taken over by Kindle, Shelldale will be able to use the money it would normally spend on maintaining the kitchen to give back to the community.

“It’s good because we paid for that kitchen and all that upkeep, so it’s not a bad thing that they are taking it over.”

While the renovations are taking place, Delane mentions Shelldale is planning to run summer programming through a kitchenette within the building. 

“There is a small kitchenette we’ll have access to, to provide snacks and store our stuff,” she said, “We have a new spare room that has a dishwasher and hopefully we’ll have a fridge hooked up in there.”

“Once the renovations are done, we hope to have the industrial kitchen for safety reasons.”

Currently, Shelldale is in the process of setting up a web page to promote and sell the kitchen items. Anyone who buys a kitchen item from Shelldale will have to pick it up from the centre. 

The sale is expected to end mid-June, said Delane.

“If we can get everything out by mid June, then we wouldn’t have to worry about that, they can just come in and renovate,” she said.

Delane adds some of the items they’re planning to sell would be useful for businesses. To see all the items for sale and their prices, click here.

“If you’re looking for items or if you need items, this is what’s available,” she said, “And you’re helping a charity, the money is going right back into the program itself.”


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