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John F. Ross high school shut down for rest of week due to safety concerns

All students will switch to remote learning from Tuesday, Dec. 14, to Friday, Dec. 17
20171017 John F Ross School KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

The Upper Grand District School Board is shutting down John F. Ross CVI until after the Christmas break due to concerns for student and staff safety.

Students will switch to remote learning from Tuesday to Friday this week, with the winter break scheduled from Dec. 18 to Jan. 3.

"We will communicate with all Ross students prior to the end of the Winter Break regarding the status of learning following the break," said the UGDSB in a notice posted on its web site on Monday.

It's the first time the board has closed a single school due to COVID.

The post read:

"In order to ensure student and staff safety, and the continuity of learning for students, John F. Ross CVI will shift from in-person learning to remote learning starting Tuesday December 14, 2021. 

"All John F. Ross CVI students will learn remotely from home from Dec. 14-17, 2021, with the exception of those students currently attending specialized class placements in person, who will be able to continue learning in-person. All other students will access remote learning through their Google Classroom and/or Brightspace learning environment. Teachers will provide daily synchronous instruction from Dec. 14-17. If students require devices for remote learning, they can access them through the school."

On Monday the UGDSB's reporting portal said there were eight cases at the school and 12 classes closed.

On Friday some students were given notice that they may have come in contact with a COVID positive individual who had the Omicron variant and were told to isolate.


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