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GuelphToday Teddy Bear Caper raises almost $10,000 for Guelph General Hospital

GuelphToday and its advertisers raise money for a good cause
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GuelphToday general manager Liz O'Donnell, from left, Sarah Zinger giving from the Foundation of Guelph General Hospital, and GuelphToday sales representative Mac Sinclair pose with the donation made to the foundation through GuelphToday's annual Tedd Bear Caper fundraiser.

GuelphToday's third annual Teddy Bear Caper in support of Guelph General Hospital raised $9,500 for the hospital from GuelphToday and its advertisers.

A complete list of donors can be found here

Bears cost $100 to sponsor with 100 per cent of the proceeds donated to the GGH.

GuelphToday purchases a 14-inch Teddy Bear from Gund in the name of each donor and delivers them to the hospital just before Christmas so that anyone (young and old) that needs to spend time in the hospital over the holiday receives their own Teddy Bear.

Bisson Dentistry and Barzotti Woodworking each purchased 10 bears with three advertisers purchasing five bears.

Twenty of GuelphToday's advertisers have been supporting the program for 3 years.


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