The Friends of the Guelph Public Library are in a bind.
The giant book sale the organization puts on each fall might not happen this year – unless it finds a new home.
“Significant layout changes” mean it can’t be held at the usual spot on 69 Huron St.
“The 2024 sale will be our 16th annual sale, something that has become a much-anticipated community event, and a tremendous source of good quality, extremely low cost reading and entertainment materials,” Friends of the Guelph Public Library chair Ian Findlay said in an email to GuelphToday.
“All proceeds benefit the Guelph Public Library, for whom we’ve raised $1 million to date through our previous annual sales,” he said.
Now, they’re turning to the community to help them find a new space.
Ideally, the space would:
- be a minimum of 10 to 15,000 square feet, preferably in a large open space like a warehouse or empty store.
- have parking adjacent to the site
- have washrooms
- have an accessible ground floor entrance
- A loading dock or large overhead delivery door to permit large vehicle access
- Free or discounted rent with negotiable utilities
They would need to occupy the space for two to three months.
“We are seeking someone in the community who will step forward to assist us in finding a suitable space so that we can carry on planning this year’s sale,” Findlay said. “Anyone who is willing to respond to this urgent need can contact me by email or phone.”
“If a suitable site is not located soon the sale may not take place this year,” he said.
Findlay can be contacted at [email protected] or at 519-827-7283