The Green Party has created its own stickers it says shows people the costs of failing to address the climate crisis.
The stickers are in response to the provincial government's "tax-payer funded partisan stickers," says a Green Party news release.
The stickers are being made available to any gas station that wants to voluntarily display them at pumps or in-store, alongside the stickers from the provincial government.
“It’s outrageous that the Premier is forcing businesses to be complicit in his anti-climate misinformation campaign. We’re inviting gas stations to make use of the stickers if they want to inform the public about the full costs of the climate emergency,” said provincial Green Party leader and Guelph MPP Mike Schreiner in the news release.
The stickers display the latest research on the climate costs for Canada, which could reach as high as $91 billion per year by 2050, while average temperatures could rise by 6.3C by 2100 if we fail to act, says the news release.
“The extreme flooding across the country should compel us to have an urgent discussion about reducing pollution and preparing our communities,” said Schreiner.
“Yet the Premier wastes millions of taxpayer money to sabotage solutions. And he is cutting funding for programs that protect us from extreme weather by axing tree planting and cutting flood preparation programs,” he said.
“The Premier is on the wrong side of history, and the people of Ontario cannot afford his scare campaign. We all deserve better, and I will continue standing up to defend our children and grandchildren,” said Schreiner.