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Giant menorah to be lit in Market Square for Hanukkah

Lighting event to take place Dec. 26 at 4:30 p.m.
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A nine-foot tall menorah will light the night sky in Guelph later this month.

The menorah will be lit as part of a Hanukkah event on Dec. 26 at 4:30 p.m. in Market Square, and is being organized by Chabad of Guelph.

“The Rebbe taught that not only is celebrating Hanukkah a vital part of Jewish life – where it has become a potent point of light and Jewish pride and confidence for Canadian Jews in the fight against darkness and antisemitism – but also represents key Canadian values, namely those of liberty and independence,” said Rabbi Raphi Steiner in a news release.

“The holiday of Hanukkah underscores the fact that Canadian culture has been enriched by the thriving ethnic cultures which contributed very much, each in its own way, to communal life, both materially and spiritually.”

The event will also see a Funnukah Fair, including an oil press workshop, a Dreidel scavenger hunt, a donut decorating bar, pizza, traditional Hanukkah food and hot drinks.

To RSVP for the free event, visit

For more information about Chanukah, visit



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