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GCVI presents ABBA benefit show for the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

Music from ABBA's Gold album to be played at GCVI on Jan. 24 at 7 p.m.
20211201 donkey AS 1
Guelph CVI students from 2021 at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, from left: Lenny Muth, Lucy Gouthro and Ruby Keegan, pose with teacher Lane Osborne (top right), Bob Taylor (top centre), Lesley Bayne (top left) and Ruby the donkey.

Guelph CVI music students are bringing the sounds of ABBA to life all for a charitable cause.

Guitar and vocal students will be setting their sights to find a Dancing Queen or two at the GCVI auditorium at 155 Paisley Ave. Friday at 7 p.m.

The show is pay-what-you-can at the door to attend. All proceeds will go to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada. It’s a not-for-profit organization in Puslinch for donkeys and mules to live and graze.

ABBA’s Gold album will be played in its entirety by music students, GCVI music alumni, The Guelph Youth Singers and special guest musicians from ABBAMania, Canadian ABBA tribute act.

This is the third annual benefit show for the donkey sanctuary after two of its volunteers donated a Gibson Les Paul guitar and a Fender Telecaster guitar to the GCVI music program in 2021. To date the benefit show has raised $4,000 for the sanctuary.


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