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Extreme weather energy storage is coming to Guelph

Battery system to store power during off-peak times to help during high demand
20210909 Guelph Power Lines 3 RV

A big battery is coming to Guelph, as electricity officials aim to reduce extreme weather energy outages. 

The storage device – one of three approved throughout Ontario by the independent Electricity System Operator – is slated for Alectra Utilities’ facility in Guelph. The city’s committee of adjustment recently agreed to allow the storage system for more than three years.

“The battery storage systems are scheduled to be operational by 2026,” states an email from Kevin Whyte of Alectra Energy Solutions, an arm of Alectra Inc. “As reported, they will provide critical support to the electricity grid.”

The project is to see an up to 20 MWh system set up, allowing for the collection of energy during off-peak hours which could be discharged when needed to balance the supply and demand of the provincial electricity grid.

“These systems also have the capability to improve grid stability and provide backup power in some applications,” notes a previous staff report to city council, which approved a motion in 2022 supporting Alectra’s application. 

The battery system is proposed to take up 30,000 square feet at Alectra’s Clair Road West transformer station.

“New storage capacity will reduce Ontario’s need to rely on gas generation in the coming years,” the report adds. “Battery storage is clean and generally uses non-emitting power such as hydro, nuclear and renewables generated at off-peak times.”


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Richard Vivian

About the Author: Richard Vivian

Richard Vivian is an award-winning journalist and longtime Guelph resident. He joined the GuelphToday team as assistant editor in 2020, largely covering municipal matters and general assignment duties
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