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D'eve Archer starts over with a clean slate

Local musician celebrates launch of her new album and video project Friday in Guelph
20160414 DEVE ARCHER tb
Local singer/songwriter D'eve Archer will be launching her new album and video Friday, April 15, 016, at Royal Electric. Troy Bridgeman for GuelphToday

There comes a time for many artists when they feel the need to shed their image and start over. That is the inspiration behind Guelph musician D’eve Archer’s latest music and video project Tabula Rasa.

“The name Tabula Rasa means clean slate in Latin,” said Archer. “I am all on my own starting from scratch – stripped.”

Archer is debuting material from Tabula Rasa at a show Friday night at Royal Electric, where she will also screen the first in a series of music videos featuring her darker alter ego, Saturdae Jonez.

“Saturdae Jonez says a lot of things D’eve Archer wouldn’t,” she said.  “D’eve Archer is a mentor and a teacher and Saturdae is a little more free-spirited.”

Archer began developing ideas for the project while living and performing in Europe.

“I took the influences of the good and the bad that happened there through religion and within these beautiful Gothic buildings,” she said. “I started writing about the feelings behind the history.” 

The style and subject matter was a notable departure from anything she had done before.

“As I was working on this project, I realized this is no longer something D’eve Archer would write,” she said.  “It was dark and a little more edgy. D’eve Archer loves her love songs, her R&B, she loves her soul. I kept saying, 'this is not me.'”

The sense that she was collaborating with an alter ego gave her the liberty to explore and experiment.

“I felt, whoever this is behind this transition – D’eve Archer and whoever – they are collaborating and this is going to be a sweet album,” she said.

Archer has been playing music since she was five years old and started performing and writing songs professionally when she was 12.

She has experimented with a variety of styles and collaborated with many musicians throughout her career, including Guelph’s own Ambre McLean.

She released the single You Are On My Mind in 2013 which is available on iTunes and on her website  Also available on her website is a self-titled three-song EP she wrote and recorded with guitarist Adrian Raso and produced with legendary Canadian producer Nick Blagona, who has worked with artists such as The Police, The Bee Gees and Chicago.

Archer enlisted Toronto rapper and video producer iLLvibe to direct the first video for Tabula Rasa and Guelph promoter and music producer Bilay Badoe to master the music.

“Working with D’eve is always a unique and refreshing experience,” said Badoe. “She's easy to communicate with and bounce ideas off of which makes working with her not only fun, but an uplifting experience.”

The first part of the show Friday night will feature new material from Tabula Rasa performed by a seven-piece band led by Saturdae Jonez.

“Then it will be the kickoff to my birthday and the birthday party will start,” said Archer. “The band will do one more set and we will do a mix of Motown, funk, soul and a little bit of rock. We are going to party the night away.”


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