GuelphToday received the following issue of Crime Stoppers Corner for the month of March.
Are you counting down the days until your winter getaway? Who could blame you? We all want a break from this crazy winter weather.
It’s normal to be excited about sun, sand and surf, and wanting to share it with our friends, especially when Social Media makes it so easy. You know what else it does? Let’s criminals know your house is empty.
Think about it; if your pink toenails are perfectly tanned on an island, you obviously aren’t at home. While you think you are only sharing this information with friends and family, most people don’t have nearly enough security measures activated on their various social media accounts, which means when friends like or comment on your photo, THEIR friends can see this activity.
This means people you haven’t met know you are away. Basically, you are standing on Main Street and telling complete strangers your house is empty and will be for the near future. Within a few hours hundreds, if not thousands of people could know that your house is unattended.
What an opportunity for a break and enter!
This is why we encourage people to post their amazing photos once they come home. You won’t have to worry if your status update has put your possessions in jeopardy, and you can extend the enjoyment of your trip by reliving it as you post upon your return.
As we’ve mentioned before, you want to ensure you are taking every precaution to keep your property safe while you are away. This includes asking a neighbor or family member or friend to check your home periodically.
They should keep the sidewalks cleared and the snow removed from the driveway; collect newspapers and mail. A few moments on a regular basis will give burglars the impression that the owners are caring for the home, which will increase the chance of them being caught.
A bit of prevention now can save you from heartache later. Remember, call 1-800-222-TIPS or go to if you have information about crime in your community!