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Cork Street apartment proposal would partially obscure view of church

Developer looking for relief of bylaw that protects sight lines to the historic Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate
20190613 9 cork ts
A developer wants to build a four-story apartment building on this empty lot and the house beside it on Cork Street. Tony Saxon/GuelphToday

A developer is seeking relief from the city so they can build a four-story apartment building on Cork Street that would exceed the rules that protects the sight line to Basilica of Our Lady Immacculate.

Michael Finoro's applicaton to the city's Committee of Adjustment was set to be heard Thursday afternoon.

He is hoping to build the apartment building at 9 and 11 Cork Street, just west of Downtown Guelph on the hill leading up to the church.

"The applicant is seeking reliev from the By-law requirements to permit the proposed apartment building to have an elevation of 346 metres above sea level," says the application.

The city bylaw limits the height of buildings within an identified protected view area to 343.51 metres. The proposed building would exceed the height limit by 2.49 metres.

Looking at the church from the northwest, the apartment building's elevator shaft and mechanical room on top of the apartment building would exceed the height allowed.

Thursday's meeting is set for Guelph City Hall at 4 p.m. and is open to the public.


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