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Budget funding will help U of G graduate more vets

As part of the 2023 budget, the province announced Thursday a $14.7 million investment will help the Ontario Veterinary College graduate 20 more vets a year
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Rob O'Flanagan/GuelphToday file photo.

The Ontario government is investing $14.7 million to support a new collaborative program aimed at increasing the number of graduating veterinarian students at the University of Guelph and Lakehead University by 20 per cent. 

The investment will be distributed over two years, starting in 2024-2025 with the launch of a new joint program between the universities, called Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program in Rural and Northern Community Practice.

Currently, the University of Guelph oversees 105 graduating vet students each year; the investment will raise that number to 125 per year, resulting in up to 80 new graduates over four years.

This is the first time the number of veterinary spaces has been increased since 1988. It will support the economic growth of Ontario’s agri-food sector by expanding the number of trained vets in Ontario who practice in Northern, rural and Indigenous communities. 

The program will also add incentives to address shortages in veterinary care, like loan assistance for recent grads to practice in underserved areas and support large animal care. 

In addition, the funding is expected to help expand facilities at the University of Guelph and build specialized labs and clinical facilities in Thunder Bay. 

The funding was announced along with Ontario’s 2023 budget.


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