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Breaking Free Program gets $7,500

Guelph Community Foundation gets behind Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington
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Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington, (FCSSGW) is thrilled to announce that we have received funding assistance, in the amount of $7,500, from The Guelph Community Foundation to support FCSSGW’s award winning Breaking Free = Better Choices  + Better Relationships Program.

FCSSGW’s Breaking Free program is a specialized community based education/counselling program for youth who have been referred by community partners such as schools, the Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington Dufferin, and Family and Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County.

The objective is to teach healthy, appropriate strategies for managing stress and resolving conflict to youth who are at high-risk of using violence and abuse. FCSSGW was fortunate to receive one-time funding from the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) to pilot the original program.

"FCSSGW offers a broad range of high quality programs and services. The agency's staff is innovative and continually working with the community to facilitate best outcomes with available funding,” stated Sandra Ellis, president of the Board of Directors.

The program is currently being offered at St. John Bosco Secondary School in Guelph; and, the program has been expanded to include the development of a female Breaking Free version.

The original pilot was developed for male youth and the agency was able to raise sufficient funds to create one for female youth. St. John Bosco has been a tremendous supporter of the program and is very pleased with the results.

The youth, involved with the program, are proud to be involved, are becoming role models for their peers and take great pride in their accomplishments. FCSSGW hopes that permanent ministry funding will be given to this program with its proven, positive results.



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