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'Anti-fascist rally' planned for outside Guelph City Hall Friday

Event planned by the Revolutionary Communist Party - Guelph at the same time People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier appears in Guelph at a secret location
A poster advertises an anti-fascists rally planned for city hall Friday night.

A group that originally planned to protest a Guelph appearance by People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier is now planning to hold a family-friendly "anti-fascist rally" outside Guelph City Hall Friday night.

A Facebook post of the event by a group called Revolutionary Communist Party - Guelph said the event is a "A community celebration of working-class diversity!"

"Join the Guelph community for an anti-fascist rally & celebration of diversity," said the post.

It says there will be an open mic and is a "family friendly event." It starts at 7 p.m.

Contacted via Facebook for an interview, the group replied that "For the safety of our members we do not do live interviews unless we have built a rapport with the interviewer."

It pointed out they had appeared on the local university radio and stood by its statement on Facebook.

They offered an anonymous message exchange with GuelphToday, which was declined.

The Revolutionary Communist Party - Guelph had planned a protest outside the Guelph Youth Music Centre when Bernier was scheduled to appear there Friday night, but the music centre cancelled the PPC booking amid criticism and fear of conflict at the event.

Bernier will still appear in Guelph Friday night at a secret location, the PPC said, with media being notified of the location on Friday.

The local PPC party said the event is being kept secret because of a fear of violence.

The Revolutionary Communist Party - Guelph has denied there was any plan of violent protest.



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