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A farewell to Thomas Video (10 photos)

Daylong celebration brings story of iconic movie rental store to a close

Thomas Video had its last stand on Saturday. 

The story of a 34-year business, one that survived intense competition from video store giants, and struggled on even as Netflix and other online movie site kept people from the store, has come to an end.

The credits rolled and tears were shed on Saturday, as store owner Ian Findlay, a former Guelph city councillor, flung open the shop’s 62 Baker Street doors for a daylong celebration and movie selloff.

Friends of the iconic store came and went all day. Food was spread out on a long table, and every shelf offered deals on movies from all genres. And there was a commemorate t-shirt for sale.

Local folk musicians like Sam Turton and James Gordon performed. The numbers grew in the evening in anticipation of a dance party lead by Eccodek’s Andrew McPherson.

Findlay said the day was full of stories and good friends. Many loyal and long-time members visited and wished a fond farewell to the store, and well-wishes to Findlay and his family.

There were plenty of films left on those shelves by closing time, but Findlay said a great many were sold and are going to good homes.

The store is now closed.  


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