On Sunday, May 29, 2022, the 121 Red Arrows Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron held their 80th Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) at the Puslinch Recreation Centre, just south of Guelph. On parade were a total of 71 cadets, with over 250 guests, including special guest and reviewing officer Lieutenant Colonel M. Ortiz-Sosa, CD, Commanding Officer of the 11th Field Artillery Regiment.
Moments before the ACR commenced, the 121 Squadron cadets enjoyed a surprise flypast by the Tiger Boys in vintage aircraft, who flew directly overhead in Vic formation, similar to the way geese fly in a vee.
During the ACR, in which the cadets were inspected, the pipes and drums played, and speeches of appreciation delivered, the following awards were presented:
- Chief Warrant Officer’s Award of Merit to Warrant Officer First Class M. Whelan
- Air Cadet of the Year award to Warrant Officer Second Class T. Brooks
- Leadership Award to Warrant Officer Second Class W. Fazekas
- Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence to Warrant Officer Second Class T. Harris
- Lord Strathcona Medal to Warrant Officer Second Class T. Brooks.
A moment of silence followed by a lament recognized losses of loved ones during the last two difficult years.
After the ceremony, while everyone chatted and savoured some refreshments, they were treated to a second flypast by the Waterloo Warbirds, to recognize the cadets for their hard work and a great year!
Congratulations to the award winners and all the cadets for completing their training year. Also, a huge thank you to the squadron leadership team, Squadron Sponsorship Committee, parents, and guests, for making our 80th Annual Ceremonial Review a success.
Submitted by Cadet Reporters: Flight Sergeant Owen Brown and Flight Corporal Kaylin Woods.