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In honour of Nicola Angelo Marchione


In loving memory of Nicola Angelo Marchione (Sept.11th, 1933—June 4th, 2022)

Dear papa, mio padre,
It’s hard to believe it has been two years since the day you left this world in a very unjust way. We struggle knowing your wishes, values, and creed as a Roman Catholic were not respected as a patient. As your power of attorneys we struggle immensely knowing things were done without consent. No one is above the law, and no one as you always would tell me could replace our loving God. To you life was a beautiful gift from God and worth fighting for. You always would say, where there is life ,there is hope, and where there is hope, there can be miracles. As a proud daughter of an Italian father, loving papa, the deep love I had for you, I will never forget the days, times and who left us with this deep burden as a family. It’s like a movie I just can’t stop talking about it, è vergognoso. God has beautiful eyes, he sees our tears, and we know in our hearts no sin goes unpunished (Proverbs 11:21 ). Papa, we have complicated grief still, we can’t even grieve properly. Papa we miss our family trips to Florida yearly or escaping to the Kawarthas enjoying cottage and the fun and laughter we had around the nightly bonfires. Papa we all miss you. I miss going out with you papa to the horses and seeing your friends. Sometimes I feel like it’s a dream, but the truth is you’re not coming back, and what hurts even more is not being able to say goodbye to you papa. We had such a close and loving relationship as many people knew. il mio cuore piange profondamente per te. You and mom were so happy to have me after 9 years of trying for a sister or brother for Anna. I was your miracle baby and I thank god everyday for giving me wonderful parents and a loving, caring, intelligent earthly father. I was so blessed to have you as my father. I was even more blessed to have nothing but unconditional love from you, you believed in me. I still remember how you would always tell people “my daughter is a journalist “ you were so proud of me. I remember how you and mom would wait all night in car for me when I was acting in movies in Toronto or how you would take me to all my modelling shows or to downs view park for practice sessions the Toronto police offered for those preparing for police testing. Papa you were a wonderful father, you still are my father and I can’t wait till we see each other again one day. I will give you the biggest hug and kiss  Mio padre, I cry every day for you and how you left us unexpectedly. Some people would say it’s been two years, but papa we loved you so much, I loved you so much and this grieving is the price you pay for love. We take some comfort in going to cemetery daily and being with you in the mausoleum. This is closest we can get to you. We know you hear us, we know you are with us in spirit. I thank you and mom for all the values you instilled in me such as integrity, loyalty, respect, selfless service, accountability and most importantly personal courage. Mio padre I will not be silenced, as you always encouraged me, I will continue to be the voice of the voiceless and stand up to wrongs and advocate for justice. I will honour your word most importantly Papa I miss seeing you daily and your nightly calls when you always say “papa love you”. I know papa, and I love you, we love you and our love will never stop for you. Family to you came first always. You were simply the best papa, loving husband, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, cousin, uncle and dedicated friend to many. No matter where you went you made great friendships, from Italy to Toronto, to Guelph to New York, New Jersey, to Florida and many more places. Your loving heart touched many lives with joy. Your kindness, humour and love to all will not be forgotten. We know wanna be red is with you and we miss her like you, but we know you got each other there. I wish you also a blessed Father’s Day coming up In heaven. Mio Padre get ready for euro 2024 soccer action. it is not the same without you watching it with me, but I know you will be with your friends and me cheering for Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

In honour of Nicola Angelo Marchione, memorial masses will take place at St. John's Church 6:30 p.m. and at Sacred Heart Parish at 7 p.m. A private family gathering and prayer will follow at Mary Mount Cemetery Mausoleum.

buona fortuna italia,
Ti amo papa
Lots of love your bambina daughter Angela and son-in-law David
Wife Helen and daughter Anna
Noi ti ameremo per sempre


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