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MEET THE CANDIDATES: Ward 1, Mark Gernon

'We need to encourage development and revitalize Ward 1'
mark gernon
Mark Gernon.

GuelphToday asked candidates running for city council in the Oct. 22 municipal election to submit a short bio and the platform and/or reasons for running.

THE PERSON: Jen and I were attracted to, and moved to Guelph; to the east end, 18-plus years ago when we started out after being married and we have no regrets. When we first arrived in our new neighbourhood, we were surrounded by similar young families who shared a great sense of community and are great neighbours. Today, some of the families have moved, and new neighbours arrived, but we collectively still have great neighbours. Since coming to Guelph our family grew by two – and Guelph is an awesome place to raise a family. We have great schools, parks, and city services.

I currently own my own human resources and sabour relations consulting practice, teach as a sessional lecturer at the university level, instruct first aid classes and have many hours of volunteerism, including 23 years as a volunteer with the Toronto Police Service.

THE PLATFORM: I decided to run for city council to bring renewal to Ward 1 and bring energy as a diligent and strong advocate for Ward 1 matters and for east end development.

For too long Ward 1 needs have not been getting the priority needed. We need to encourage development and revitalize Ward 1, especially to the east of Victoria Road; specifically, holding the Loblaw companies accountable for having not developed its property at the end of Starwood. They have not demonstrated that they are a good or positive corporate partner in our community.

To get the abandoned development on Silurian Drive restarted. We need to fix and clean-up York Road from Watson Road through to Wellington; areas that have not received the attention needed; Businesses need to return and the York Road abandoned lots and buildings need to be addressed.

I commit:

  • To introduce a motion at council and work with city staff to develop a plan to revitalize Ward 1 and encourage businesses to come to Ward 1.

  • To work with city staff, the Guelph Police Service, area schools, and residents to get traffic issues addressed – to protect our kids and seniors using our streets. I support education, enforcement, technology and traffic calming measures to get this done.

  • To reviewing rail and truck safety, and the transportation of dangerous goods (which is federally regulated), through Guelph, and specifically through Ward 1; to ensure the safety of our residents is at the forefront. Guelph has significant rail and truck traffic containing chemical and dangerous goods passing though the city everyday; traffic that goes through Ward 1 residential areas. We should always have the confidence that the transport of these chemicals and dangerous goods is done with the utmost safety and with the ability for Guelph to take immediate measures to address any deficiency.

  • To reviewing and getting outdated bylaws updated or removed.  

  • Working with council and collaboratively working with all levels of government to address affordable housing, transit planning at the local and regional level, and addressing the strains placed on our Guelph General Hospital.


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