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Outbreak at Cargill’s Watson Parkway location declared over by Public Health

Outbreak ended after 24 COVID cases
20210222 Cargill Watson Road KA 01
Cargill's Watson Parkway plant. Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

The outbreak at Cargill’s meat processing facility on Watson Parkway is over. 

Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health confirmed Tuesday evening that the outbreak declared on Jan. 8 ended Tuesday. The facility had a total 24 cases associated with the outbreak. 

This brings outbreaks in both Cargill facilities to an end. WDG Public Health declares an outbreak over when 14 days have passed from the most recent case and there are no other suspected cases. 

The outbreak at Cargill’s Dunlop facility was declared over on Feb. 1. The facility had 188 cases from the outbreak and was also temporarily shut down for nearly two weeks late last year as cases rose. 

WDG Public Health had also confirmed that a 79-year-old bus driver —  who provided transportation services for the company — died of COVID on Dec. 30, 2020, and that the COVID case was related to the outbreak  at Cargill's meat processing facility on Dunlop Drive.



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