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Hike for Hospice takes steps for online support

Participants will have until June 7, 2020 to raise funds and complete their hike
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Hospice Wellington

Hike for Hospice may be entering the virtual world, but the message remains the same.

Registration for Hospice Wellington’s 16th Annual Virtual Hike for Hospice is now open and is once again presented by the Guelph Garage Owners Association. With COVID-19 changing lives by the hour, it’s important that we all join together, while apart. This year, participants can sign up individually, or in teams and can create their own hike at home, or around their neighbourhood. Whether it’s a walk around the house, in the backyard or down the street, there are many options. Teams can get creative using technology to digitally hike together. All hikes are to be done safely and with all laws, regulations and guidelines in mind. Participants will have until June 7, 2020 to raise funds and complete their hike.

“Life feels so different for everyone right now, but this virtual Hike for Hospice gives us all an opportunity to stay active and join together, while apart. Our community is our foundation and without them we would not be able to provide the care and support that we do in our Residence or Community level,” says Pat Stuart, Executive Director at Hospice Wellington.

We encourage all participants to share their experiences with us on social media (@hikeforHW) or email us videos and photos ([email protected]). Prizing this year will be drastically increased in lieu of an event day with a focus placed on our community and purchasing gift cards to local restaurants and businesses that also need support during these uncertain times. All funds raised support Hospice Wellington’s programs and services for our community. For more information, or to sign up as a participant, visit

Hospice Wellington provides and promotes hospice palliative care for individuals and their families in Guelph and Wellington County.
Visit: for more information on our 10-bed residence and community level that operates the workshops, programs, supports and events throughout the year.



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