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City park maintenance, tree removal resumes

Mowing schedule reduced so please 'pardon the weeds, we’re feeding the bees'
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We’re resuming hazard tree removals and a reduced schedule of mowing in our parks and sports fields. This work is considered an essential service under provincial guidelines during COVID-19.

Sports field and park mowing
Mowing of parks and sports fields will take at least two weeks longer than normal to complete as we practice safe physical distancing and work with smaller teams. Mowing supports turf health so we can open them again following provincial restrictions, protects sports fields from damage and keeps sight lines clear for drivers and trail users. Although our sports fields remain closed at this time, it is important that we maintain them.

Medians in roadways, whether planted or not, will not be maintained at this time unless there is a safety issue. You can report a sightline issue on our hardscaped medians online.

Pardon the weeds, we’re feeding the bees
Reduced mowing means more dandelions. While we know this isn’t ideal, dandelions are a valuable food source for pollinators. We appreciate your patience.

Picking up garbage could put you at risk
We know everyone wants to help keep Guelph clean and green. For your own safety, we advise against picking up garbage in our parks, natural areas and along trails. Our staff are clearing garbage where and when they can.

Removing hazard trees
Hazard trees continue to be removed throughout the city. If you have a city-owned or shared hazard tree near your property, you will already have received notice of its removal.

We’re not evaluating any non-hazard tree requests for city-owned and shared trees at this time. Please hold requests for tree trimming, planting, maintenance or inspections until the state of emergency has been lifted. You can report a hazard or fallen tree online.

Please do not approach staff
Our staff are practicing safe physical distancing while doing their work by using separate vehicles, cleaning vehicles and equipment after each use, staggering scheduled shifts and starting their routes from different locations where they can.

We understand you might have questions about our work. Help our staff maintain physical distancing and email us your questions or concerns instead at [email protected].



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