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Proposed development in your community

Thursday, December 12, 2024, 4:00 p.m.
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Thursday, December 12, 2024, 4:00 p.m.

Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

This is a hybrid Committee of Adjustment hearing that can be watched online at or in-person at Council Chambers. A staff presentation begins at 3:00 p.m. and members of the public are invited to attend. The review of planning applications begin at 4:00 p.m., the public may attend at either hour. Members of the public who wish to speak to an application may do so in person or by electronic participation.

Committee of Adjustment Public Hearing

Planning applications for this hearing include (order subject to change):

A-90/24 493 Victoria Road North

Request: Variances to permit reduced buffer strip, number of parking spaces, landscaped open space, no long-term bicycle spaces, and permit common amenity area for proposed renovation to existing apartment building

B-50/24 436 Clair Road West

Request: Consent to create long-term lease

A-91/24 85 Cork Street West

Request: Variance for reduced side and rear yard setbacks for existing accessory building (shed)

B-51/24 A-92/24 A-93/24 39 Armstrong Avenue

Request: Consent to create one new residential lot with one retained residential lot, and multiple related variances for proposed severed and retained lots

A-94/24 1030 Gordon Street

Request: Variance to increase amount of gross floor area of medical clinic use in existing


A-95/24 39 Hayes Avenue

Request: Variances to permit reduced setbacks, sight line triangle, and no electric vehicle parking for proposed triplex

B-52/24 B-53/24 B-54/24 B-55/24 B-56/24 B-57/24 B-58/24 A-96/24 A-97/24 A-98/24 A-99/24 A-100/24 A-101/24 A-102/24 A-103/24 302 & 306 Edinburgh Road South

Request: Consent to create seven new residential lots with one retained residential lot, and multiple related variances for proposed severed and retained lots

A-104/24 41 Stuart Street

Request: Variance to permit reduced side yard setback for proposed attached garage


Consent Application Fee Waiver Request (51, 53 and 55 Manitoba Street)

Minor Variance Application Fee Refund Request (63 Arkell Road)

Speak at the hearing or provide written comments

If you wish to speak to an application, please email [email protected] or phone 519-822-1260 extension 2524 no later than December 11, 2024, at noon. When your delegation request is received, instructions for participating in the hybrid public hearing will be provided. Instructions will also be provided during the hearing to ensure those watching will be given the opportunity to speak.

If you prefer to comment in writing, please send your written comments to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment using the contact information listed below. Written comments received by December 5, 2024, at noon will be circulated to the Committee members and included with the staff comments document that is posted online prior to the hearing.

For more information

Agendas and public notices related to these applications are available online at Alternative document formats are available upon request.

If you would like to be notified of the Committee of Adjustment’s decision with respect to an application, you must make a written request to:

Trista Di Lullo, Secretary-Treasurer
City of Guelph, 1 Carden Street, Guelph ON N1H 3A1
519-822-1260 extension 2524 or TTY 519-826-9771
[email protected]


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