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Notice of intention to pass an amending bylaw to remove holding “H” symbol

In accordance with Section 36 of the Planning Act R.S.O 1990 c.P.13., Guelph City Council intends to pass a Zoning By-law Amendment to remove a Holding ‘H’ symbol from the City of Guelph Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, as amended
Key Information Map - Alice Street

In accordance with Section 36 of the Planning Act R.S.O 1990 c.P.13., Guelph City Council intends to pass a Zoning By-law Amendment to remove a Holding ‘H’ symbol from the City of Guelph Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, as amended.

The lands affected by the proposed amendment are municipally known as 165, 165A, and 167 Alice Street. The subject lands are shown on the Key Location Map below.

The lands are currently zoned “Mixed Office / Commercial with holding provisions” (MOC (H12)) under Zoning Bylaw (2023)-20790, as amended. The (H12) holding provision is to be in place until it can be demonstrated that municipal services are adequate and available to the satisfaction of the City, prior to construction of new buildings.

Engineering staff have reviewed the proposed application and are satisfied that they meet City requirements. The City can therefore remove the Holding ‘H12’ symbol from the lands to permit development in accordance with the regulations of the MOC Zone.

The General Manager of Planning and Building Services will consider the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to remove the Holding ‘H’ symbol accordingly.

For more information
Eric Rempel, Development Planner
Planning and Building Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2617
[email protected]



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