Books, movies and more! Give it as a gift or come on in yourself.. No Cash value.
# | Bid | Status | By | Date |
1 | $77.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
2 | $76.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
3 | $75.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
4 | $75.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
5 | $80.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
6 | $76.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
7 | $76.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
8 | $76.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
9 | $80.00 | Purchased | Anonymous | |
10 | $78.00 | Purchased | Anonymous |
This auction closed on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 8:00:00 PM.
Items will be ready for pickup Monday Dec 11 from 10am-5pm, Tuesday Dec 12 from 12pm-6pm or Wednesday Dec 13 from 8am-1pm at the office, 511 Edinburgh Rd S., Suite 204, Guelph, ON. Please be prepared to provide your GuelphToday username as well as your winning confirmation email (either displayed on your phone or printed out). You will be required to sign a form confirming that you have received all of your items.
Closed on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 8:00:00 PM
The Bookstore is open for instore shopping and online pick up:
Masks required in-store. Customers must sanitize hands upon entry.
Stay home, stay safe: Order online, by phone or by email:
Phone: 519-821-3311 ext. 1
Email: [email protected]
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