Please make sure you READ THE RULES, particularly the part about credit card authorizations. In short, each time you place a bid, the system places a hold authorization for that amount on your card. When you are outbid, the hold is released. If you bid $50 on ten different items, this means $500 of your available balance will be unavailable until you're outbid. Any winning bids at the end of the auction are captured - meaning your card is charged. We recommend you use a credit card, not a debit card for this auction. A released hold may take several days to reflect on your statement.
This year, we are working with Hospice Wellington to include their annual fundraiser auction in GuelphToday's gift card auction. Fundraiser items are all in the "Hospice Wellington Auction" category, and 100% of the proceeds of sold items from this category will benefit Hospice Wellington.
Closed on Friday, December 7, 2018 9:00:00 PM
About Us
Since 1980, Hospice Wellington has provided compassionate care, emotional support and practical assistance to individuals and families facing a life-threatening illness, extending through bereavement. Hospice Wellington was created as the result of several concerned citizens who believed that services in the community did not adequately meet the needs of individuals who were in their last stages of life.
Hospice Wellington is a registered charity that operates primarily through private donations and fundraising initiatives Funding is also provided by the United Way, the Waterloo-Wellington Local Health Integration Network and the Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre. The Rotary Clubs of Guelph and Fergus-Elora were instrumental in supporting Hospice Wellington's establishment and growth.
Most of our auction items are from private anonymous donators, and we thank them for their wonderful support!